Vice President- Bob Wiskemann
Treasurer- Bob Schneider
Secretary and Membership- Lisa Harris
Communications-Debbie Turici
Website and Facebook Coordinator- Larry Thomas
Scholarship Committee Chair-Cindy Wittman
Volunteer Opportunity
The Education Partnership, 281 Corliss St, Pgh, PA 15220
412- 922-6500
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Facebook Page for PSEA-R Allegheny County- Like and follow!
Margaret “Peg” Torbich Memorial Scholarship
PSEA-Retired Allegheny County Scholarship Program
TO: PSEA-R Allegheny County Members
FROM: PSEA-R Allegheny County Scholarship Committee
DATE: January 1, 2024
RE: 2024-2025 Scholarship Application and Related Materials
The PSEA-Retired Allegheny County Scholarship Committee will award two (2) $1000 scholarships to an eligible family member of a PSEA-R Allegheny County member who plans to pursue a career in either a Public School or Career and Technology/Trades.
One scholarship will be awarded in each of the following categories.
1. Public School: Examples include educator, school nurse, librarian, school counselor, educational technology specialist or career and technology educator.
2.Career and Technology/Trades: Examples include auto technician, cosmetologist, machinist, nurse’s aide, electrician, etc.
We would appreciate your assistance in informing your eligible family members.
Attached please find the 2024-2025 Scholarship Application Form due by
April 1, 2024.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact: Cindy Wittman at
Margaret “Peg” Torbich Memorial Scholarship
PSEA-Retired Allegheny County Scholarship Application
Please type or print.
Allegheny County PSEA-R Member name:
First Name__________________________ Last Name___________________________
Phone _________________________ Email_____________________________________
School Where Employed______________________________________________________
Applicant’s Information:
First Name__________________________ Last Name___________________________
Phone _________________________ Email_____________________________________
High School ________________________________________________________________
Applicant’s Future Plans:
Field of Study_______________________________________________________________
Name of Accredited School or University__________________________________________
Expected Date of Graduation_____________
Personal Essay:
In an essay of 250-500 words, describe your ambitions and plans to further your education in either public education or in a related technical field. Please type, double-spaced, and attach the essay to your completed application.
If selected, the awardee will submit a letter of acceptance from the post secondary school before the scholarship is awarded. In addition, the scholarship funds will be disbursed to the college financial office for the second semester to ensure that the winner is actually majoring in one of the designated fields of study.
The awardee will also be asked to submit a current picture to the committee.
See page 2 for additional important information
I hereby certify that I am a member in good standing of my high school. I have accurately provided the information in this application as true and complete. I have provided my official transcript from my high school to be used in consideration of this application. I authorize the PSEA-R Allegheny County Scholarship Committee to verify or obtain further information that they may need in the selection process.
*If the applicant is under 18 years of age, parent/guardian signature is necessary.
Parent/Guardian signature_____________________________________________________
Before mailing, make sure that the following are enclosed:
*Completed Application
*Personal Essay
*Official Transcript
*Two Letters of Recommendation-one from an educational professional (teacher/
coach/principal, etc.) AND one from a non-relative personal/character reference
(employer/neighbor/community leader, etc.)
Mail to:
PSEA-R Allegheny County Scholarship Committee
C/O Cindy Wittman
604 Toll Gate Lane
Delmont PA 15626
Due date: Postmarked by
Monday, April 1, 2024
Notice of Failure to Complete in a Timely Manner
The PSEA-R Allegheny County Scholarship Committee reserves the right to deny incomplete or late submissions of applications regardless of any situation. No exceptions.